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Your Family Legacy: 8 Advantages Living Trusts Have Over Wills

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Protecting your family legacy is a crucial goal in estate planning, and both trusts and wills can play a role in achieving this objective. Each has its advantages, however, living trusts offer several advantages over wills when it comes to safeguarding and preserving a family legacy.

Living trusts and wills are estate planning tools typically used to manage and distribute assets after a person’s demise. Here are some advantages of a living trust over a will:

1. Avoiding Probate

One of the most significant advantages of a living trust is that it allows assets to pass to beneficiaries without going through probate. Probate is a lengthy and expensive legal process that may expose the family’s assets and financial affairs to public scrutiny. Living trusts bypass probates, ensuring faster and more private distribution of assets to beneficiaries protecting the family’s privacy and minimizing costs. Also, where you own property in multiple states or countries, living trusts can help avoid the need for ancillary probate in each jurisdiction.

2. Privacy

Wills are public documents that become part of the public record during the probate process. In contrast, living trusts can be designed to protect beneficiaries/ your kids who may be minors, financially inexperienced, or vulnerable to external influences. Trusts can include provisions to restrict the use of assets until beneficiaries reach a certain age or achieve specific milestones, safeguarding the family legacy from potential risks.

3. Managing Control

With a trust, you the grantor can specify how and when assets should be distributed to beneficiaries. This level of control allows you to create a tailored plan that aligns with your values and goals. For example, your trust can be structured to provide for specific needs, such as educational expenses or healthcare costs, or to distribute assets gradually over time to protect beneficiaries/ your kids from mismanagement or external threats.

4. Flexibility

Living trusts offer more flexibility in managing assets during the grantor’s lifetime and after their passing. You can act as both the trustee (managing the trust) and the beneficiary while alive. You can also modify or revoke the trust as circumstances change, providing greater control over their assets.

5. Managing Complex Family Situations: Trusts can be particularly beneficial in complex family situations, such as blended families or families with members who have special needs. A trust can ensure that assets are distributed according to the grantor’s wishes and provide for the well-being of all family members, regardless of their circumstances.

6. Business Succession Planning

Trusts can facilitate the orderly transfer of family-owned businesses to the next generation, ensuring the continuity of the business and its legacy. The Trust documents typically specify succession plan and who takes over what in the family business.

7. Generation-Skipping

For families with substantial wealth and multi-generational legacy goals, trusts allow for generation-skipping planning. This means assets can be passed down to your grandchildren or even further descendants without incurring additional estate taxes or going through probate at each generation.

8. Seamless Asset Management

In the event of the grantor’s death or incapacity, a successor trustee appointed in the living trust can seamlessly take over the management and distribution of assets without court involvement.

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It’s essential to note that living trusts may have higher initial setup costs compared to wills, and they require diligent maintenance, such as ensuring assets are properly titled in the trust’s name. Where protecting and preserving a family legacy is a primary concern for you, using a trust, or a combination of various types of trusts, can provide more robust and flexible solutions.


It is important to note that your family trust can be created in any jurisdiction of choice, and you will still enjoy optimal asset protection. As estate planning needs differ from family to family, it is crucial to consult with an experienced estate planning professional to design a plan that aligns with the family’s unique goals and ensures the lasting protection of their legacy.

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